What about my partners ? Thank to them. They helped me a lot although they didn't understand my code.
But they tried to understand my code. I understand some people good in their way.
What about presentation day ? I think it doesn't like presentation. In my opinion, it's a exhibition. They are a lot of people make a noise. I must present in loud sound. I prefer to present in front of class because everybody probably listened our presentation. Everybody made sense and get some idea from each group to gain creativity. Our presentation was good in my way. I was so hungry at lunch, I can't go to 7/11 to buy food but I forced my teammate to make me full. Thank to all committee to give me a feedback.
I extremely like feedback. He wore pink shirt. He maybe master degree or senior which I didn't know.
The main concept of this feedback which I am very impressive is "You must invent something that different to another people. Creative device will be interested almost of people . We don't care about usable of customer. If you want A grade, you must do this", he said. Firstly, I doesn't make sense to me. "If I create something that has creativity, None use this because it difficult to consume. Why I do like that", I spoke. My teammate said that "Creativity will make people interest. People can learn how to use it by themselves. For example, Apple produce iPhone. Firstly. It is new device. It was hard to use in first time. After that, people will understand iPhone". I loves this concept. And unknown person suggested me about create keyboard in real air by not using GUI in computer. Separate layout in real world is creative. I understood that point. The next concept from P'Bas, he suggested me to create virtual keyboard by use some rectangular plate to lay palm on surface and move finger up and down to act like press button.
I got concept that is "Each people each ideas".
Thank for P' Jet to give me a suggestion and P' Best also to finish this project.
Now, Let's talk about CPE111 course. I think that I learned many things from CPE111. I know what I interest and opposite also.
From CPE111 project. I learned by myself. It's self learning. It's very good for KMUTT student, I think.
Ultimately, Thank for CPE111.
Result & Coding
J2P Group
Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame)
ID 56070503434
My teammates
Mr. Saran Kongsungnern (James)
ID 56070504545
Mr. Phuwadon Verasertniyom (Peak)
ID 56070503437
My Advisor
P' Jet
Date & Time