วันจันทร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

8) The End of CPE111, Virtual Keyboard By J2P Group

Before the presentation, we worked hard to develop program such as GUI Thai , English i, upper case and lower case interfaces. Interface developed, I used Locale Class in Java to get language of keyboard and convert text in button into Thai. Both upper and lower case are added in each button. However, I cannot add all of these to my program. We cannot change text in the label of each button, if we set focusable of window in false. We must use false status of focusable to run this program on another program to type text in text box. I chose fault focusable because it is main aim of this project. Next, problem of device has appeared. Sometimes, Leap Motion sends garbage value to GUI, so it makes wrong cursor in my program and press button. It seems to me that Leap Motion is not accurate. If you stick all your fingers, it can't detect. Maybe in the future, Leap Motion will be good more than right now. At the beginning, I praised Leap Motion. Now, I don't like it. Next problem has been a  my logical of algorithm of pressing button. I have used a Y-value of Y-Axis or height difference of 2 frames by multiply some value to make it precious. And I tried another way by using difference between palm position and each finger to tell that press button now or not. After finished that way, I knew that it was bad because angle of hand make program not accurate. I was confused in that time. Finally, I chose old process or changable of Y value. I have already thought carefully by compare the precision between 2 ways.
What about my partners ? Thank to them. They helped me a lot although they didn't understand my code.
But they tried to understand my code. I understand some people good in their way.
What about presentation day ? I think it doesn't like presentation. In my opinion, it's a exhibition. They are a lot of people make a noise. I must present in loud sound. I prefer to present in front of class because everybody probably listened our presentation. Everybody made sense and get some idea from each group to gain creativity. Our presentation was good in my way. I was so hungry at lunch, I can't go to 7/11 to buy food but I forced my teammate to make me full. Thank to all committee to give me a feedback.
I extremely like feedback. He wore pink shirt. He maybe master degree or senior which I didn't know.
The main concept of this feedback which I am very impressive is "You must invent something that different to another people. Creative device will be interested almost of people . We don't care about usable of customer. If you want A grade, you must do this", he said. Firstly, I doesn't make sense to me. "If I create something that has creativity, None use this because it difficult to consume. Why I do like that", I spoke. My teammate said that "Creativity will make people interest. People can learn how to use it by themselves. For example, Apple produce iPhone. Firstly. It is new device. It was hard to use in first time. After that, people will understand iPhone". I loves this concept. And  unknown person suggested me about create keyboard in real air by not using GUI in computer. Separate layout in real world is creative. I understood that point. The next concept from P'Bas, he suggested me to create virtual keyboard by use some rectangular plate to lay palm on surface and move finger up and down to act like press button.
I got concept that is "Each people each ideas".
Thank for P' Jet to give me a suggestion and P' Best also to finish this project.
Now, Let's talk about CPE111 course. I think that I learned many things from CPE111. I know what I interest and opposite also.
From CPE111 project. I learned by myself. It's self learning. It's very good for KMUTT student, I think.
Ultimately, Thank for CPE111.


Result & Coding

Final Report Please Click This !

J2P Group
Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame)
ID 56070503434

My teammates
Mr. Saran Kongsungnern (James)
ID 56070504545
Mr. Phuwadon Verasertniyom (Peak)
ID 56070503437

My Advisor
P' Jet

Date & Time

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

7) Add Leap Listener to GUI (Virtual Keyboard Java) & Fix some bug

Now, we can use leap to detect pointables not only finger tips but also all of implements which can act liking pointing. Listener gives x,y,z to make cursors also. And the next things are bug of virtualization keyboard by Robot  Java class. That's KEYEVENT.VK_PLUS. We can't use it. Console displays that some red error. Therefore, I searched in internet to find solution. Next, set location program to bottom of screen was done. Finally, it's the most important development. i.e. making program run on another program to type character or act like keyboard by using one statement which is pretty cool. Thank to internet to help my work and P'Best to give us a suggestion about pass value between 2 class.
The last thing's we change IDE Elipse from Netbeans because Netbeans can't work with Leap Motion.

Mr. Siwat Karwlung
ID 56070503434

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

6) Virtual Keyboard GUI acts real keyboard by Listener

I have developed this project. Now, it can stimulate key press when user click or be action with button by using Robot class, ActionListener class. Especially CAPSLOCK, NUMLOCK & SCROLLLOCK button that I add event to it such as key press or do something with it. Label status of every lock button will be change depend on user click and press by real keyboard at top right corner. When program start, program will check status of CAPSLOCK, NUMLOCK & SCROLLLOCK status and show in labels.
In the future, we will add Leap motion event to our project. Problem is implement. We will find Leap Motion by ourselves and do best.


 Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame) ID 56070503434
Thank to
                     Mr. Saran Kongsungnern (James) ID 56070503433
for video

Recent update

วันพุธที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

4) Virtual Keyboard GUI created from Java application by Netbeans (Not finished)

JButton & JFrame

I created from Virtual Keyboard GUI Java prototype by JFrame, JButton from javajavax.swing.*
Before Forming this GUI. I tried to file GUI IDE which can develop easily. First IDE was eclipse although I should download plugin which call WindowBuilder. It's difficult to use, so I abandoned it. 
Finally, I tried to NetBeans. It's better than Eclipse.
4 Hours used for learning and improve prototype. It isn't to be worthwhile. 

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

3) J2P group information

I forget to tell about J2P group information. There is a information such as profile picture, name, nickname and ID.
J2P members

Mr.Siwat Karwlung (Jame) ID 56070503434


Mr.Saran Kongsungern (James) ID 56070503433

Mr. Phuwadon Verasertniyom (Peak) ID 56070503426

Teacher Assiatance(TA)


Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame) ID 56070503434

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

1) Leap Motion tests with transparent acrylic sheet.

Recorded by
Mr. Saran Kongsungnern (James) ID 56070503433
Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame) ID 5607503434
Recent update

0) Create blog, Study overview Leap Motion and Test some experiment.

        At the beginning, my group have interested in Leap Motion. Leap Motion is a infrared sensor and input device of computer which acting like mouse. I and my team learn have learned about Leap Motion. Nevertheless, we didn't have any idea to invent something that's creative by using Leap Motion sensor. 
        After that, Peak(Phuwadon) have idea which using Leap to virtualize keyboard in air at first. Jame(Siwat) told that it was difficult to do that and your hands felt tired because two hand must be contracted in air. James(Saran) offered that we should rotate and flip this device by face sensor to user. but it had obstacle about XYZ axis to detect finger and hand in our project and Leap Motion was designed to do like this.
        Thus, we concluded "We would use some transparent sheet to make two hands feel comfortable". Next, Jame requested transparent sheet from TA (P'Jet). Thank to P'Jet. He gave me a transparent acrylic sheet. My teammate and I brought it to test. Is infrared from Leap Motion can detect hands by having transparent sheet ? 
        My group found that "It's work !".  Leap Motion can detect hands practically. We have designed Virtual Keyboard by using physical technic such as pressing ,holding and releasing to sheet. There are many programming languages to develop project such as C++, Objective-C, Python, JavaScript but we chose Java. As a result Java is popular and Java can run all platforms. Java will have advantage in the future. We have learned Java and Leap Motion SDK documentation to invent Virtual Keyboard.

Transparent acrylic sheet tests with Leap Motion. #1

Transparent acrylic sheet tests with Leap Motion. #2

Thank to P'Jet for transparent acrylic sheet.

OOP looks interesting.

Example of Leap Motion Documentation
 Mr. Siwat Karwlung (Jame) ID 56070503434
                     Mr. Saran Kongsungnern (James) ID 56070503433
                      Mr. Phuwadon Verasertniyom  (Peak) ID 56070503426

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